Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Those Lost in War [Free Verse]

The battle hardened old man and the war weary soldier
The soldier homebound, suffering
The sounds of the guns, the cries of the lost
They never truly fade, their there, lurking in their dreams

The battle hardened old man, stands on his porch
Looking to the sunset, but seeing the old battlefield
He hears the cries, the guns; he smells the sweat and fear
His wife of fifty years stands faithfully by his side

The war weary soldier walks by the tank
His weapon in hands, her letter by his heart
He yearns to go home, to be wrapped in her arms
But his sense of duty and honor, keep him here

The hardened old man sits in his chair, watching the screen
Seeing the chaos, hearing the words, the words of people
Who don’t understand, the sacrifices they made, to save this land
Those who say we shouldn’t fight, should spend one night, living my old life

The weary soldier rests on the crate, watching his men silently grieve
Losing their comrades and their friends is never easy
They all sit in the memory, of the explosion and the chaos
One moves to the tent with tears in his eyes, while the others act like they don’t see

The hardened man lies in bed, looking at the picture of his wife of fifty one years
She passed last year, now it’s his time, to join her with their Father
The cries never left his memory, the pain never ceased, until that night
When it finally ended, and he left his battle hardened body behind

The weeping wife curls up in bed, clutching the flag to her body
They had showed up yesterday, his tags in hand
She had held it in at the memorial, when they handed her that Purple Heart
But it didn’t ease the pain, of losing the other half that completed her

I sit here, writing this to you, yes to you and you
To those who think we don’t need this war, well, think on this
I live each day, praying and weeping for
Those men who sacrifice everything for us, for those of you

Who do not care, they are giving their lives over their
So you can sleep soundly at night, knowing you have something to wake up to
But see, these men and woman fight for more, than just our country
They fight for us, to keep us safe; they fight so we can be free

You say there is no reason, why we’re over there, but try to think of a world
Where we weren’t free, because if we didn’t fight, we wouldn’t be
Do you really think they would leave us alone? To live in our country in peace?

So don’t you dare tell me it’s not right, to send our men over to fight
Men and woman left at home, waiting by the telephone
To hear the voices of those they love, who are fighting for thousands, they don’t even know
For a bullet to take a loved one is a terrible heartache, but to hear that their sacrifice was worthless feels like you've taken a bullet yourself

My Answer [Free Verse]

hadn't known, oh I hadn’t known……

Today, my brother asked me a question
“When faced with life or death, when confronted with a choice, what would you do?”
I walked away without giving him an answer, oh; I knew what it would be
I just didn't think it was important, I didn’t think it mattered
didn't realize just how wrong I was

Now standing here, the man has his gun to my chest
I remembered my brother’s words, “When faced with a choice……”
And I let a tear fall down my cheek, because I saw in the corner,
Held by a second man, my brother, tears on his cheeks as well
And the silent memory of his question filling his eyes

He knew my answer; he could see it on my face, in my eyes
He knew he would lose me today, I knew I would lose him
Sacrifice myself; I would do over and over, to save my family
Because the man had given me a choice, he has faced me with death
Save myself, or die for my family

I closed my eyes and let the words of a song flit through my mind
If today was your last day, and tomorrow was too late
I opened my tear filled eyes, and looked at my sister,
Small, terrified, young and helpless, I felt sadness as I saw her face
She knew my answer as well

I looked to my parents, their faces stricken in grief and fear,
Their eyes begged of me ‘no’
But I knew that they understood, I couldn’t
I couldn’t let it happen, today was my last day
Tomorrow was too late, and I had chosen

I ignored the gun, to look the man in the eyes
They were filled with hate and anger, turmoil and chaos
He had asked me to choose, die for my family
Or save myself and choose someone else
He saw my answer in my eyes, and he fired

Sleeping in [Gogyohka]

laying in bed, gazing out the window

small smile for the time I slept in

(I really should get up)

long stretch and bigger smile

two weeks off of school can be good for you're health

Me? [Gogyohka]

walking through the parking-lot

sun shining, cold wind blowing

two guys walk by laughing

"look at that chick!"

what? who, me!?

In the Cold [Gogyohka]

strolling down 3rd Avenue

the trees have lost their colorful garb

the cold wind blows where it listeth

the sky ominously threatens rain

I smile and walk along, hands in pockets

Freeze [Gogyohka]

I flex my thin fingers

from all the times

I have backspaced so many keys

from this freezing cold

that has chilled my fingers stiff

Stand [Free Verse]

I tried to stand, but found I could not
so I knelt before You're throne
breathing in, breathing out

I went to You in prayer
I laid my sorrows at You're feet
You eased my hurt and heartache

fresh strength to my soul you bestowed
I felt You're peace and love
I rose from my knees

I held my head high
for in You I know
I can fight through another day
With You by my side, I will stand

Survive [Cinquain]


because sometimes

that is all you can do

when things get tough


Reading [Cinquain]


cold wind whistling;

hiding inside my room

reading The Classic: Latin Four

I like

Holding on [Tanka]

sometimes I feel

I have gone as far

as I can possibly go

one step more

is one more than

I feel I can take

Winter [Cinquain]


freezing cold wind

rain is the norm this week

my favorite time of the year

is here!!

Oh My! [Free Verse]

it is, to my dismay    
that I have to say
that I have drawn
a blank

I have done
so much writing
these past few days
my mind is drained

my fingers are sore
my brain is weary
ideas have seemed
to come to a halt

so this is all
I can say today
I will do my very best
to do better, next week                                                                                 

Little sister and me [Free Verse]

twirling around
arms stretched out wide
smiling and laughing
under the warm May sun

turning and skipping around
holding her hand tight
little sister and I begin
to kick up the flower petals

red and purple, blue and yellow
soft velvet masterpieces
scatter about in the air
smiling and laughing, we turn home

Dew [Quatrain]

small and round
I'm looking through
what I have found
this little drop of dew

Fortress [Tanka]

life can be so hard

so full of pain and hardship

but the promise he

will never leave nor forsake

is our constant strong fortress

Friday, October 7, 2011

Winter's War [Free Verse]

Sometimes the cold can seem alive
Avid in her pursuit of dominion and power
Undaunted by her victims armor
Of blanket and fire

Even the trees, mighty and strong
Succumb to her penetrating gaze
Her ally, the wind, helps in her quest
Blowing her soldiers, ice, through the sky

She continues her assault, seemingly winning
But a time will eventually come, when even she
Cannot win against the warmth of summer, her enemy
For the consuming heat is just as avid in his quest 

For who are we to battle such powers?
Their Master, eternal, powerful and mighty
Controls their every gust, their every move
We fight with what we can, but it as yet, an unwinnable battle

Their Master, though He is never seen
His gaze cuts across the land 
Knowing our every move, our every counter attack
But our attacks, our skirmishes, are useless

We do them not for the purpose to overthrow
But to simply combat the weapon
Of the enemy that will never be beat
But then again, this was never truly a battle

[Image]To be a battle, one side must have a chance of winning
And we are yet to find any true defense against
Something so powerful, but controlled by something
Even more powerful, more omnipresent

The battle will always be fought, always tried to be won
But only a few truly know that fighting is useless
That it was never truly a battle at all
Simply the people trying to protect themselves 

But here I have written, such a long
And quite useless poem, to try my best
To get across a few simple ideas, how well have I done?
I have yet to tell.

A lesson, He sees ALL, He hears ALL
A lesson, we fight against those that need not be fought against
A lesson, though it hurts or is uncomfortable now
It will not be forever, a Glorious End will soon come

Grandma [Free Verse]

We all were happy when
She said she was coming
to visit

We waited in anticipation
For her to walk through
the door

She enters and we run to her
to endow her with hugs
and kisses

She slept in my room under my blanket
And when she leaves I find that my blanket
smells like Gramma 

Friday, September 23, 2011

Trip time [Cinquain]

A trip

Thought out for months

Butterflies partying

Anticipation and waiting

She's off!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Memorial [Free Verse]

That one day, those hours of fear
The terrified running, the noises of change
Smoke filled the air, debris falling like rain
Soot and ash covered people, faces frozen in shock

The air filled with cries, as those two monuments fell
And the horror when they saw, the towers didn't fall alone
That day is burned and seared into the hearts of millions,
That day is a horrible wound, but the things with wounds is, they eventually heal

Some say we shouldn't be in this war, but I say
Talk to a survivor, or the ones left to bury their loved ones
Talk to the veterans and heroes, the ones who go away to war
And then you tell me if we don't have a right to find for what's ours.
To fight for our freedom, and for our liberty.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

My King [Free Verse]

I lived, I walked His path,
but now I have died.
My life has ended,
My soul His to receive.

I am fading away,
Oh but I see a face
One so glorious it shines,
it shines with a perfect beauty.

He is taking my hand,
leading me above.
Where I will be forever,
Home, Home with my King

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Fooled You [Gogyohka]

tall policeman striding toward me

his eyes squint, mine widen

he stops in front of me, and takes my arm

my heart flutters in my chest

he leans down, 'hey beautiful'

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Sunset [Cinquain]


orange and Pink

clouds drift in the sky

God's beautiful handiwork


Thursday, August 11, 2011

Birthday Bash [Cinquain]


emanates out

of the two-story house

hosting Stacie's tenth birthday bash

fun fun

Good vs. Evil [Cinquain]

black knight

stands on the street

met by our white hero

swords clash, one stands victorious

town cheers

Beauty [Cinquain]


Watching you look

At that sunset, amazed

A look of awes shines on your face


Summer [Cinquain]

warm wind

summer weather

around us denizens

walking under July's hot sun

pool fun

Crow [Cinquain]


flying on by

covered in black feathers

shiny and sleek, pointy beak face


Midnight Trip into the Woods [Gogyohka]

nighttime, there are shadows moving

wind whistling through the trees

I'm shaking, what lurks in the dark?

I hear a rustle, a snap and a cry


Love [Gogyohka]

couple standing close by

their holding hands, he rubs her arm

looking in his eyes, she smiles warmly

I'm grinning to myself, seeing such cuteness

kiss her, I'm thinking....he does

Creation [Cinquain]


all around me

the beauty of earth

showing His glory forever


Staying Strong [Cinquain]

I am

sad and hurt, cry

trying to stay strong now

hoping, praying, for strength to stand

I am

Beach Time [Cinquain]

wet grains

soft underneath

shoes in hand, walking along

following footprints in the sand


Lonely [Cinquain]


abandoned by,

or just lost? You tell me

I guess only you know why right?

do you?