The battle hardened old man and
the war weary soldier
The soldier homebound, suffering
The sounds of the guns, the
cries of the lost
They never truly fade, their
there, lurking in their dreams
The battle hardened old man,
stands on his porch
Looking to the sunset, but
seeing the old battlefield
He hears the cries, the guns; he
smells the sweat and fear
His wife of fifty years stands
faithfully by his side
The war weary soldier walks by
the tank
His weapon in hands, her letter
by his heart
He yearns to go home, to be
wrapped in her arms
But his sense of duty and honor,
keep him here
The hardened old man sits in his
chair, watching the screen
Seeing the chaos, hearing the
words, the words of people
Who don’t understand, the
sacrifices they made, to save this land
Those who say we shouldn’t
fight, should spend one night, living my old life
The weary soldier rests on the
crate, watching his men silently grieve
Losing their comrades and their
friends is never easy
They all sit in the memory, of
the explosion and the chaos
One moves to the tent with tears
in his eyes, while the others act like they don’t see
The hardened man lies in bed,
looking at the picture of his wife of fifty one years
She passed last year, now it’s
his time, to join her with their Father
The cries never left his memory,
the pain never ceased, until that night
When it finally ended, and he
left his battle hardened body behind
The weeping wife curls up in
bed, clutching the flag to her body
They had showed up yesterday,
his tags in hand
She had held it in at the
memorial, when they handed her that Purple Heart
But it didn’t ease the pain, of
losing the other half that completed her
I sit here, writing this to you,
yes to you and you
To those who think we don’t need
this war, well, think on this
I live each day, praying and
weeping for
Those men who sacrifice
everything for us, for those of you
Who do not care, they are giving
their lives over their
So you can sleep soundly at
night, knowing you have something to wake up to
But see, these men and woman
fight for more, than just our country
They fight for us, to keep us
safe; they fight so we can be free
You say there is no reason, why
we’re over there, but try to think of a world
Where we weren’t free, because
if we didn’t fight, we wouldn’t be
Do you really think they would
leave us alone? To live in our country in peace?
So don’t you dare tell me it’s
not right, to send our men over to fight
Men and woman left at home,
waiting by the telephone
To hear the voices of those they
love, who are fighting for thousands, they don’t even know
For a bullet to take a loved one is a terrible
heartache, but to hear that their sacrifice was worthless feels like you've
taken a bullet yourself
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